Long Weekend in Brooklyn

First of all, let me just say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who responded to the launch of this blog via Instagram, email, text, etc. Your support and excitement around this really does mean so much and I promise I'm going to attempt to get on some type of posting schedule so that it's not so sporadic!

I can't believe how quickly this long weekend flew by! They always seem to happen that way, but it still surprises me every.single.time. I hope everyone had a wonderful long Memorial Day weekend and spent it with family, friends and lots of delicious food! Alex and I took Friday off to really extend the weekend even further and spent Friday to Sunday in Williamsburg at the most beautiful Airbnb. The apartment we stayed in had a stunning view of the Manhattan skyline, was right around the corner from all of our favorite spots (Emmy Squared, Beehive Oven, Blue Bottle Coffee and Bagelsmith) and was a block or two away from all of the places we knew we wanted to check out. We lucked out so much with how beautiful the weather was the entire weekend, especially considering that the forecast originally called for rain. Least to say, we cannot wait to get back there at another point during the summer!

Brooklyn is our favorite getaway spot because it's so close to Connecticut, but it also feels like an entirely different world. Because we both spend Monday-Friday sitting behind a desk for our jobs, getting outside and walking 10-15 miles per day felt unbelievable. It makes me miss living in a city so much! The natural exercise we got from zipping around to food and drinks felt awesome and our feet were really feeling it by Sunday (#worthit). We ate at all of our favorite spots, visited Smorgasburg on Saturday and discovered some new favorite restaurants and coffee spots! Devocion is hands down my new favorite - their cold brew is the best I've ever had and the location is just beautiful. The decor, the layout and the whole ambiance is positively dreamy! As someone who worked in multiple customer service roles for a handful of years, it goes a long way with me to have a positive customer service experience and both baristas that made our coffees on Saturday and Sunday were so nice. It was the best way to kick off both mornings and I would kill for another one of those iced coffees right about now! 

We had Emmy Squared pizza on Friday and although we had only eaten there once before, we knew we HAD to make a trip back there and round 2 did not disappoint. Alex and I agreed that it was even better than we remembered! The place was packed when we arrived at around 3 pm, but we got seated right away and the service was stellar. We got the Roni Supreme pie (it's a MUST) and the Colony pie, and although the Colony was so delicious, the Roni Supreme will always be #1. The sauce is the best balance of sweet and spicy, and the roni cups are so perfectly crispy. If you haven't eaten at Emmy Squared already, you haaaaave to try it, ASAP.

Saturday was a wonderful blur of Smorgasburg (check out the mozzarella sticks on Instagram if you haven't already), lots of wandering (and running into the sweetest @JulesDenby and her adorable family!), a little bit of shopping and watching the sun set over the Manhattan skyscrapers. Sunday was my 27th birthday and we kicked it off with breakfast at Sweethaus! We had tried their cookies last summer (they're uh-mazing) and after reviewing the breakfast menu, we knew we had to go there at some point before heading home! Everything sounded and looked so delicious. We arrived right after they opened, so the whole place was quiet and we got a little corner seat right by the open windows. Alex ordered the avocado toast and I got the pistachio waffles (I'm obsessed with all things pistachio at the moment) and they were beyond good. I am determined to recreate them at some point soon! 

After wrapping up breakfast, we headed to Devocion for iced coffees and then walked over to Bagelsmith to grab a dozen bagels to bring home with us. Both mine and Alex's parents love a good NY style everything bagel, so those bagels are always our takeaway from any trips to NY! Before gathering our things and bringing our bags to the car, we took a walk down Kent Ave. to East River State Park to take in the views one last time before heading back to CT. While it's always so nice to get home, Alex and I always say that we'd love to live in Brooklyn for at least a year at some point because our time there is always so "reach-for-the-stars, over-the-fence, World Series kind of stuff" (**I want to be your friend if you know where that quote is from**) and leaving is always so hard. It was a dreamy long weekend/birthday trip that was wrapped up perfectly by a family dinner at my parent's house on Sunday night.

Waking up to the sound of my "Work" labeled alarm this morning made me wish teleporting back in time were an option because this past weekend was just THAT good. 
