

I’m Molly – a 29-year-old Executive Assistant living in Connecticut who bakes and photographs food on the weekend. I love baking and cooking, but baking is what I’ve always gravitated towards. I've enjoyed it ever since I can remember (I even considered going to culinary school before transferring to Concordia University in Montreal) but I never got serious about it or did it consistently enough. It wasn’t until I graduated from college and moved back home to Connecticut that I realized how much I thoroughly enjoyed whipping things up in the kitchen and playing around with my Nikon D5100 that hadn’t been used in so long! Around two years ago, I began to regularly post what I was baking on Instagram and although the caption for each photo could turn into a small list of steps I took, ingredients, thoughts on bake time, etc., it never felt like enough space for me.

This little corner of the internet will give me the ability to share the recipes I love (or alter in any way), post more photos of the final product, interact with friends and family who have messaged me for these recipes 🙂 and get back to blogging!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any thoughts, comments, feedback, etc. and thank you so much for checking out this little blog! xx

Random Facts About Me:

  • I am the oldest of three children and have two younger brothers.

  • I have such wanderlust, but am such a homebody at the same time.

  • I am an extroverted introvert through and through.

  • We lived in Singapore and London when I was younger.

  • We have a West Highland White Terrier named Lucky (our last name is Luciano…you get the idea 🙂 ).

  • I went to Manhattan College my freshman year and then transferred to Concordia University in Montreal.

  • I am Irish and Italian.

  • I like pretty much every genre of music (classical, alternative, rock, rap, metal, jazz…).

  • Hans Zimmer is my favorite composer (I know…it’s weird to have a favorite composer).

  • I love grocery shopping (Even more weird).

  • I strongly dislike peas/they kind of gross me out.

  • My husband and I have known each other since fifth grade.

  • My go-to baked good recipe is always chocolate chips cookies.

  • I ran a fashion blog throughout college via Tumblr and I’ve thought about regularly posting on it again but it’s not where my passion lies!

  • I miss living in Montreal, but would never move back there full-time.

  • I unfortunately cannot speak French (biggest regret!).

  • Alex and I are obsessed with taking weekend trips to NYC & Brooklyn every chance we get.

  • My favorite food is ravioli.

  • I have 9 ear piercings total.

  • I used to have a nose ring and I still miss it from time to time.

  • I’ve met some of the sweetest and most genuine people via Instagram and hope to continue that trend here on this blog!